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Pickelchen und unschöne Rötungen durch das Tragen des Mund-Nasen-Schutzes? - DOCTOR Mi! GmbH

Pimples and unsightly redness from wearing the mouth-nose protection?

Do you feel the same way? Has your skin condition worsened around the chin area and around the mouth since you were required to wear a mask? Does the skin seem irritated, stressed or red? With the ...

Das wirkstärkste Anti-Aging-Mittel - DOCTOR Mi! GmbH

The most powerful anti-aging agent

Retinol has been a hero among anti-aging remedies since the 1930s and has thus long been known. Retinol (i.e. vitamin A1) is the strongest known in medicine...

Wie kann ich Falten vermeiden? - DOCTOR Mi! GmbH
Warum lässt Feuchtigkeit unsere Haut schneller altern? - DOCTOR Mi! GmbH

Why does moisture age our skin faster?

Dermatological studies have shown that moisture makes our skin lazy and sluggish; the skin forgets how to regulate, moisturize and protect itself; the skin barrier relies on us to moisturize it. Ou...